Judy Carter
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Highly acclaimed stand-up comedian, JUDY CARTER has appeared on HBO, Showtime, The Comedy Channel as well as several sitcoms, and has toured colleges and theaters across the United States. As an author, Carter wrote Standup Comedy: The Book now in it's 6th printing from Dell Books, and has been featured on Oprah, Entertainment Tonight, CNN and ABC World News. This book has become a bible for anyone wanting to learn comedy. One of Carter's most successful endeavors has been her Comedy Workshops where she personally teaches many comedy wanna-bes how to do stand-up. The overwhelming response to her classes lead Carter to create the International Business of Comedy Weekend at Big Bear Lake, Ca., which takes place every year in June and includes as it’s guests some of Hollywood’s top comedy professionals.
Carter's expertise and understanding of how the comedic touch can transforms large areas of our lives and careers has created a demand for her as a speaker and workshop leader at colleges and corporations on a variety of topics including: "Making Humor Work for You," "Defusing Stress with Humor," "Healing through Humor, and "Welcoming Diversity," a sensitivity workshop for corporate executives which diffuses bigotry with the use of humor. Her success in the field of corporate comedy led to a feature story in the Wall Street Journal entitled, "Companies Hire Judy Carter to Help Employees Cope with Workplace Traumas." (June ’97). She is also on the Board of Directors for The Tom Peter's Group.
As a multi-talented comedian, Judy Carter has garnered immense respect from the critics. The Los Angeles Times says Carter’s "ingenuity is remarkable." The Hollywood Reporter calls her performance "thoroughly delightful... excellent comedy and amazing illusions...keeps the audience roaring with laughter.," and Billboard Magazine raves Carter is "...delightfully hip ... and wildly funny." Being an adept magician, described as a cross between Houdini and Robin Williams, she sometimes incorporates mind boggling magic tricks into her act to include a death defying escape from her Grandmother's girdle. She was nominated as Atlantic City's "Entertainer of the Year."
Carter has also performed in many Los Angeles theatrical productions. "The Goddess of Mystery," which she created and starred in, won critical acclaim and L.A. Times Best Bets status during its run at Theater Theater L.A. and her new play "Someone Tell Mom She’s Dead" is currently being optioned. She is also a screenwriter/director and her full featured comedy, "Beverly ‘Hood" is currently in production as an independent feature.
Carter is a native Los Angelino who graduated from USC with a Theater Arts degree. Entrepreneurial at a young age, she started a 'birthday party' company at 8 years old which provided performers (usually Judy) for birthday party magic shows. She was featured in the Los Angeles Times by the time she turned 10. Her love for magic found her studying with magic masters Doug Henning and Dai Vernon and she became the first woman to ever perform at the Magic Castle's close-up room. She began her stand-up career by accident. As she was on tour with her magic act, her materials did not turn up at the nightclub. In the tradition of "the show must go on" Carter had to wing it and began making performing off-the-cuff comedy. It worked so well, she never again had to lug props around.
You can take her home on video in "Paramount Comedy Theater, with Howie Mandel, Part One" and see why critics across the country have called her, "brilliant." Larry King called her "outrageous" and why Pat Buchanan doesn't call her at all.
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